

在十一月底一个清爽的晚上, Head-Royce produced its own starry night: a special webinar with three notable alumni, 吴丹,92年, 卡梅隆·约翰逊03Krista Marie Yu '06. 最后在HRS获得毕业学分, 这些尊贵的客人又回到我们身边, this time bearing new credits to their names including film 和 television acting, 写作, 制片导演.  

这次会议, to foment a discussion about the representation of diversity 和 intersectionality in Hollywood, 将这三位业内人士和家长聚集在一起, 同学们和其他贵宾们. Moderated by esteemed alumna, entertainment writer, editor 和 culture critic, 奥利维亚·特吕弗-王09年, 亲爱的高中戏剧和英语老师, 安迪矛, the lively—和 at times very personal—conversation offered an intimate look behind the silver screen, at an industry driven by consumer culture 和 a nascent appetite for multidimensional characterization. 

“你第一次在银幕上看到自己是什么时候?特吕弗-王问座谈小组. Research suggests that seeing yourself by identifying with a person or character—whether by looks, 背景或信仰——很重要, 这表明,榜样可以是有影响力的,有抱负的. 它们帮助我们努力成为我们想成为的人,帮助我们克服障碍. 

吴丹回忆起他年轻时的电影,比如1984年约翰·休斯的电影, “十六支蜡烛,” in which actor Gedde Watanabe played the grossly exaggerated stereotype of an Asian American man—a weak, 口音很重的亚洲交换生, 龙德栋. 吴反思道,这些角色并不是他对自己的看法. Wu instead looked to films from Hong Kong 和 China with strong leading men like Bruce Lee, 李连杰和成龙是他心目中的英雄. 

卡梅伦·约翰逊打趣道:“我想说, 迪翁《澳门新葡京博彩》,引起了其他小组成员赞赏的笑声, 并添加, “I don’t think until I was actually creating a show that I ever saw people like me on TV.” Then he wryly said that perhaps the “Sex in the City” characters—a “circle of gay men who happened to be women”—might have been close to how he sees himself personality-wise.

Krista Marie Yu, the first time she pictured herself on screen was watching Trini on the “Power Rangers,”(, 她说, “太酷了”)和前花样滑冰运动员, 克里斯蒂山口. 

While each panelist acknowledged the lack of diverse representation in the entertainment industry, each agreed that their unique voices 和 perspectives have advanced their careers.

吴的职业生涯于1997年在香港开始.  在那里参加大学毕业旅行时,他在街上被人盯梢了. He’d never considered acting 和 anticipated a career in architecture in the United States (US). 被招募到中国电影制作行业, 他学会了说中文,最终拍摄了65多部电影, 为中国观众塑造坚强的男主角形象. “试图改变观念是一场巨大的斗争,他这样评价美国的电影制作行业. “I was an action hero in Asia on screen 和 here I’m doing more character 和 supporting roles.”


Wu observed that he probably would not have made it in the industry if he had started his career in the US, where he would have been competing for the same limited roles available for Asian American men at that time. “I was empowered very early on [in China] 和 given lead roles very early on 和 told I could be a star very early on,他说.

Yu’s career in filmmaking began about 10 years ago 和 she feels very grateful for the journey that led her to it. “I fell in love with what I felt I was good at, which was acting,” she explained. 她听从了别人给她的建议:“如果你想演戏,你必须热爱它. 你不能有另一个B计划,她搬到了洛杉矶, 大学毕业后在加州住得离她祖母近一点. 一边做保姆和招待的工作, 她试镜每一个角色, noting that all the audition rooms were full of extremely talented Asian actresses. “运气,”她说,“只能帮到你这么多. 努力工作是让我走得最远的东西……还有感激之情。. After a few guest spots, commercials 和 one-liners, her break came with a call back for “Dr. 《澳门新葡京博彩》是ABC电视台2015-17年的多镜头情景喜剧. 27岁时,她得到了莫莉(Molly)这个角色. 肯典型的美国十几岁的女儿. 

澳门新葡京博彩刻板印象, 于反映, “人们以一种特定的方式写作, 我们有, 作为演员, 选择我们想要如何将写作变成某种东西.” Although her character in “Last Man St和ing” had an Asian accent—which she had to learn—she feels “a stereotype is only if the joke is on the accent or the joke is on the person; you [actors] have the power 和 the opportunity 和 the creative expansion to develop the backstory 和 to develop an actual person with all these different layers that might not be shown on screen but [that] will fuel your work.“培养口音, she hired tutors who helped her learn both Cantonese 和 M和arin for her roles. 《澳门新葡京博彩》的编剧,她坦白道。, sometimes wrote her character as speaking Cantonese 和 sometimes as speaking M和arin. 为了适应不一致, she developed the backstory for her character that she felt brought a new depth to the role which was appreciated by the writers 和 her fellow actors.

说到作家, 安迪转向卡梅伦·约翰逊问道, “Where along the way did you feel like you could start contributing your most authentic voice?”

“Thanks to Head-Royce…I got a really good education 和 USC was easy,” Johnson said. He took a lot of courses at USC, one of which was a screen写作 class in 2004-05. 同时也巩固了他写作的欲望, 他觉得他从学校出来,想成为一个他不是的人. 

“我想成为瑞恩·墨菲……我想成为艾伦·鲍尔..我想写《澳门新葡京博彩》之类的肥皂剧,”他说. He felt afraid to write about Black people then because there were no premium Black TV shows—only comedies. 和, 他指出, 尽管它并没有被广泛分享, 甚至那些喜剧也是白人写的. 当时, 他谈到这个行业时说, “黑人担任要职是非常罕见的.” He began 写作 scripts that had nothing to do with his life or life experiences. He would submit these to reps who would ask, “So, tall funny gay Black guy, why did you write this?” 

“我意识到这行不通,”约翰逊说. 盘点被通缉的人, he observed that they were all 写作 about themselves which motivated him to write something about his own life. After conducting a social experiment on a dating website, he wrote a blog that went viral. 他说, “我意识到, 好酷, 所以我一直试着像其他人一样写作, 我需要做的就是像我一样写作……”他写了他的第一部试播集, “高中的我。,这让他得到了第一份工作和第一位经理. 他的第二次试航让他在一部名为《澳门新葡京博彩》(Zoe Ever After)的电视剧中得到了一个角色.” He sold his third, “White People Problems,” to Bravo which has l和ed him every job ever since. “我意识到 that my voice was the thing that gave me power early,” he observed. 从那以后,他一直用自己的声音和自己的素材写作.

吴插嘴说, “Early on I think we all thought that coming into the business in Hollywood meant that we had to look at it through the white lens, 而我们现在看到,情况不再是这样了, we no longer have to do that…that your unique voice is what is special to you 和 that’s what we have to cherish 和 keep doing.”